As God has blessed us, we bless His Church and our community

(Luke 6:38).

When God blesses, the reaction should always be generous giving to help those in need and support the mission of the Christian Church. Our money is inextricably linked to our worship, both corporately and individually. As a body of believers, we worship corporately by contributing financially to our local church. We respond to God’s gifts and kindness by giving in return so that the Gospel can continue to reach others through the church’s work—locally and globally. Individually, we worship by loving our families and others with our money. This may include sharing your home and a meal with friends, sponsoring a child for an activity, or buying a Bible for a coworker. Our whole lives are to be marked by worship—and how you use your money plays a role in this every day. 

  • Giving allows us to serve our local community.

  • Giving allows us to provide for those in need.

  • Giving allows us to gather together in a building weekly.

Please make a Donation to make a Difference!

Click on the button below for your method of giving: